2006 Pedagogical innovation: Pilot project "securi-vie in school community"



How do we fight against over managing and planning in schools? Don’t schools sometimes take rash decisions about the future of some youngsters?

(Youngsters leave with a CAP, diploma of technical education, and end up becoming engineers)

How to re-motivate youngsters who are experiencing difficulties?


1) Objectives

Road safety:
Making youth aware of road safety, saving at least one life.

National Educational reform by youngsters

Making the school, the secondary school in particular, more attractive to students.
Creating a support curriculum on security and innovation for teachers.

Working together with parents, industrials, associations, etc…


Opening up to Europe

Presenting the project to and sharing it in order to develop it even further.
At the moment, we have contacts in Spain, Switzerland and Russia.


2) Suggestions made by the students

Grouping several support-based matters around one central security theme:


Security action

Technology and mathematics

Road safety

Physics and geo-sciences

Domestic and food safety

French, History and civics

civil safety


3)  Principle

If a teacher sees a loss of motivation amongst the students during the course of the year, he can switch to the “project method”.

The teacher chooses the security domain and together with professionals (firemen, policemen, associations, etc.) he helps the youngsters during the innovation process. The student becomes a do-er, creative and inventive.

During the Lépine contest in Paris in 2006, this innovation was awarded the first “Prix de la Préfecture de Police”.